The project “On-site integrate management of hospital wastewater”, with the acronym «DIANYA», aims to develop an integrated methodology for the management of hospital wastewater that will succeed, at a competitive cost:
satisfactory on-site hospital wastewater treatment and removal of contained organic micro-pollutants,
safe disposal or reuse of the treated outflow.
This methodology will be piloted at the Venizelio General Hospital of Heraklion (VGHH) with the final goal, at the completion of the project, to have been optimized and evaluated technically and economically so that it can be applied to other hospitals in Greece and Europe.
The individual objectives of the project are:

The development and application of a methodology for the assessment of the type and the concentrations of pharmaceutical compounds contained in hospital wastewater and for the identification of their individual sources in a hospital unit.
laboratory application
The laboratory application and evaluation of different advanced oxidation technologies (photo-Fenton, UV-H2O2 heterogeneous photocatalysis) and the implementation of a pilot system at the Venizelio General Hospital of Heraklion for the removal of biodegradation-resistant/toxic pharmaceutical compounds from specific flows of burdened hospital wastewater (e.g. chemotherapy waste fluids).
The development and optimization of a central system for the treatment of hospital wastewater combining innovative biological processes (strictly anaerobic systems with biophors, AnaeMBBR - aerobic membrane bioreactors, AeMBR) and advanced oxidation technologies for the removal of organic micro-pollutants, with simultaneous production of energy from biogas recovery and recovered water. This system will be optimized in the laboratory and implemented on a pilot scale at the Venizelio General Hospital of Heraklion.
ecotoxicity assessment
The examination of the possible multi-resistant bacteria and resistance genes removal during the hospital wastewater treatment, the assessment of the ecotoxicity of the recovered water and the assessment of the ecological risk by the disposal of treated hospital wastewater into the environment, the reuse of the recovered water for irrigation of hospital gardens.
ecotechnical evaluation
The economic and technical evaluation of the proposed hospital wastewater treatment systems and the recording of the Greek hospitals capacity and characteristics, in order the commercial acceleration of the technology.
know-how development
The development of the know-how of the participating company in the field of integrated management of hospital wastewater that will allow the increase of its turnover through the implementation of projects in Greece and abroad.

- Hospital Wastewater Treatment

The DIANYA project “On-site integrate management of hospital wastewater“, with Project Code: T2EDK-02905, is funded by the National Action: Research – Create – Innovate
[Operational program: “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship & Innovation (EPAnEK) 2014-2020” (NSRF 2014- 2020), with the co-financing of Greece and the European Union].